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Jasmine Hamwi | Push Yourself to The Max

What is the number one philosophy you live by?

Don't give up and don't sell yourself short. You don't know what you can do until you push yourself to the max.

Who is your biggest inspiration outside the gym?

My biggest inspiration is my dad. He came here from Lebanon without speaking English and now has two degrees. He is a Private Trainer in his spare time, and that's how I got into it.

What is your ultimate goal in crossfit?

My ultimate goal is to try and hit a 300lb back squat. I am at 275 right now.

What advice would you give females who want to get into crossfit?

I would tell females to not be scared to try anything. I would get scared if I didn't know what something was for the workout. Get help by asking around as they are happy to help you. It was stressful because I didn't know what to do.

What was an obstacle you had to overcome and how did you overcome it?

I was a provincial level gymnast and I got a concussion. Getting back into it was frustrating because even though my body knew what to do, my mind would second guess. That is ultimately why I shifted to crossfit because I already had the muscle and strength from gymnastics.

What advice do you give women who are afraid to workout because they don't want to bulk?

My mom was a bit hesitant too because she is Lebanese and very traditional and girls should be doing ballet and not lifting. You have to look at it like "What does it mean to you?". Having more muscle means you can lift more. At some point I stopped caring what other people were saying and thinking. "When you can do what I do and squat 275, then comment. Until then don't talk to me about it." The food you eat has stuff to do with it to. If you eat clean, you will get lean rather than bulk too.

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