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Symantha Donaldson | A Healthy Outlet

What got you involved in the sport, and who were the people who helped you get into the sport?

My mom actually got me involved in the sport because I was gymnast and ended up breaking my tailbone. I ended up switching out of gymnastics into crossfit I've stayed with it ever since. .

What has been your biggest achievement to date, and what is your ultimate goal in crossfit?

My biggest achievement was coming in 22nd in the online qualifiers. I got to the 2nd fittest 14-15 year old girl in the world. My ultimate goal would be to win the games.

Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in?

My biggest role model out of the gym is my grandfather. He taught me a lot about work ethic and to not let obstacles overcome you. He is also the one I get all my athletic abilities from.

What is your favorite lift and why?

My favorite lift I would have to say is the hang clean. I don't have to use all the energy to get it from the floor. My coach also says I have the best clean technique so it's easier to get a lot of weight up.

What is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about the health benefits?

Crossfit helps a lot with just making you feel better. I think it helped me get extroverted and out there when I normally wouldn't. It of course helps you in terms of health. You have a healthy outlet.

What is your favorite cheat meal, and what does your diet consist of?

I would have to say anything either of my grandmas make are my cheat meals. They are both really good cooks and make amazing desserts. I've trying to work more on my diet in the past few weeks. I did a paleo diet for about three months and it was nice when I did it. It started fading out so now I just try and eat good food.

For people starting out in the sport, what are some tips you would give?

I would tell them to just not give up. The long term benefits are incredible. You could be having the worst day possible, and you could just go in with so many amazing people. They become almost like a family who will help you become the best you can be. Stick with it because they will help you.

What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?

An obstacle I faced would be my broken tailbone. When it happened the doctors told me, they had only seen it happen in adults who had been in car accidents. Being able to overcome that was pretty awesome, especially when I look back now. Overcoming that has really changed my life.

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