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Chloe MacLean | Always Earned, Never Given

What got you involved in the sport, and who were the people who helped you get into the sport?

I have been working out for about two and a half years now. I started just by lifting weights and a little bit of cardio here and there. It was nothing specific, but just a little bit here and there. I got involved in crossfit while in a PE class. We would occasionally go into the weight room and lift weights. I actually rode horses for 10 years before getting into crossfit. My horse stopped working out for me so I had to sell my horse. I found I was lost and had all this free time to do what I felt like. One day I was on Netflix and I watch the very first 'Fittest On Earth'. I watched this documentary and I thought it fit me perfectly. I told my stepmom and my dad that I no longer wanted another horse but I wanted to do crossfit. There wasn't anyone that got me into it, but made the decision on my own.

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

I would say I have two big achievements to date. My first one was in the 2018 open. There was 43 girls in the Canada West region and I placed eighth. A lot of the workouts weren't super geared to what I would consider my wheelhouse but I was super happy with that result. I was also able to qualify for the 2018 Can-West Games. I placed tenth out of thirteenth girls. That doesn't sound super impressive but just competing there meant a lot to me.

Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in?

My biggest role models would have to be my coaches Leah Wegner and Nate Jones. They are my two main coaches and they both do so much for me every day in the gym. They always answer my questions, and tell me where I need to improve. They are people who go to the gym all the time, and they never complain. They are very level headed kind people and inspire me to be more like them.

What is your favorite lift and why?

Lifting is a challenge for me because I am only 5ft tall and 105lbs so strength has always been something I lacked. I would have to say that the clean is my favorite lift. I think being able to throw yourself under the bar is awesome. I think it may be because I found it the easiest.

Crossfit is known to have long term effects on growth/ your body, what is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about this?

There are lots and lots of rumors about crossfit having long term effects on your body. There are rumors about it effecting your joints and your growth. Coming from someone who is only 5ft isn't the best example. I have researched and talked to my coach about this. Crossfit, if done correctly it will only benefit your body. It doesn't matter how old you are, it will benefit you. It will benefit your strength, flexibility and mobility. If you are surrounded by good coaches and good people, it will benefit not only their body but their mentality. Gyms have a very positive community around them so it will benefit their social lives as well.

What is your favorite cheat meal, and what does your diet consist of?

My favorite cheat meal by far is poutine. I don't know what it is but I could never eat enough of it. My diet consists of meat. I try to eat meat twice a day. I eat chicken, steak, or fish. It all depends on whether I'm trying to gain wait or lose weight for a competition. My coach will tell me whether I need more or less fat in my diet. I try to eat a lot of vegetable and carbs. I do eat pasta a lot as well. I do squeeze in the occasional cheat meal if I'm not competing. I do drink a lot of water and chocolate protein.

For people starting out in the gym, what advice would you give them?

Starting out in crossfit is really hard. You are walking into an environment where you don't know all or most of the people in there. You're also walking into an environment where people have been doing it longer than you have. It was very intimidating when I first started. These people are very kind and very accepting. They are there to encourage you. It is a very good environment to start out in. Crossfit has a lot of technical and movements that require a lot of strength. I would say stick with it and keep going. Time will help. My favorite quote by far is 'Always earned, never given'. Nothing will be given to you, especially in crossfit.

What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?

My biggest obstacle had to be during the online qualifiers. During the 2018 Can-West Games they took twelve girls. I placed thirteenth by one point. I was so crushed and heartbroken. I was mourning this for a very long time. I was crying and so upset. I decided to move on and start working toward the next one. One of my teammates told me that he previously emailed them to tell them that he was willing to compete if someone wasn't willing to. It turns out they ended up taking 13 as one decided not to compete. That is how overcame that obstacle.

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