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Kate Cox | Remember to Have Fun

What got you involved in the sport, and who were the people who helped you get into the sport?

I got involved in gymnastics around 10 which is a bit late. I started off doing swimming. Every day I would pass by and see girls doing gymnastics and I wanted to do it. That's kind of how I started. My mom was a gymnast as well. She never forced me into it but was a huge support. I basically did every sport before gymnastics until I joined gymnastics. I also had a lot of friends at school who did gymnastics, so that helped me get into it.

What has been your biggest achievement to date and what is your ultimate goal?

For me achievement wise, I don't like to look at it in terms of what place I finished in. I like to look at it as overcoming fears and doing skills I didn't think I could do. Some of my biggest achievement was learning how to work as a team, developing strong work ethic and overcoming those fears. My ultimate goal in gymnastics is to be the best version of me.

Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in the gym?

I would have to go with my whole family. My mom has such an amazing work ethic, and everything I learned is thanks to her. She taught me to be a leader, and how to work toward my goals. She pushes me to be the best Kate I can be. She taught me all of that so she is definitely one of my biggest role models. Both my coaches and my teammates are my biggest inspirations. They all work so hard every day in the gym and they are always pushing to reach their next goals. It's just really inspiring to see my friends working so hard.

Gymnastics is known to only last for so long and most gymnasts retire by their early 20's. What do you plan on doing afterward?

That is a great question. I definitely want to stay very active and very fit. I want to stay involved in the gymnastics community. I don't know how I'd be involved, but I know I want to stay involved. I may also look into going into crossfit. That is something I would like to do after gymnastics, as well as travelling.

Gymnastics is known to have long term effects on growth/ your body, what is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about this?

Gymnastics is a foundation for every sport. You hear that so often because it definitely is true. I think in the long run if it's what they really love, willing to put in the work, and are willing to make all the sacrifices I think they should do it. You should pursue anything that feels right in your heart.

What sorts of training outside of gymnastics do you do and why do you do it?

We don't do a lot of training outside of gymnastics. Obviously whenever we have vacation I'll get in some conditioning. I do swimming, and I make sure I stretch. Stretching is important, make sure you always stretch. When you're at the gym every day for 5 hours, it's hard to train outside for other sports.

How has gymnastics changed your life?

Gymnastics has shaped me as a person. I don't know who I would be if I didn't have gymnastics. I learned so many life lessons from gymnastics I don't think I would've learned anywhere else. It taught me that no matter how many times you fall, you've got to get back up. It taught me how to be a leader. Basically everything I know has been from gymnastics. I am so luck to have it.

What is your favorite cheat meal, and what does your diet consist of?

My favorite cheat meal is chick-fil-A. I will get nuggets and fruit instead of fries. I get it with frozen lemonade. The basics of my diet consists of egg whites, oatmeal with blueberries and a power drink for breakfast. I workout from 12-5 so I can't eat too soon to practice. I will eat a protein bar or something like that before going to practice. After practice I normally eat chicken and rice or a good meal with a lot of protein. I don't eat a lot of unnecessary calories. Something else I didn't do much of before gymnastics was drinking a lot of water. Now I am super conscious of how much I am drinking.

What do you do to prepare for a competition? How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?

Usually I like to get there really early. On the car ride to the meet I get to pick the music on the ride there to get the nerves out. Before competing, I tell myself to trust myself and to be confident. Gymnastics is how I maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since it is such a big part of my life, it is the main reason I stay healthy. I eat healthy to feel good for gymnastics which obviously keeps me fit.

For people starting out in the sport, what are some tips you would give?

It's never too late to start because I started when I was ten which is really late for gymnastics. If you really love it and are ready to work towards it, it's never too late to start. You also have to make sure you go into every workout with a positive attitude no matter what happens. That is something I struggled with sometimes. If you have a negative attitude, you slow yourself down. You get frustrated and aren't working toward your goal. Another thing is to remember to have fun. Don't stress because you don't get to do it for long, so enjoy it while you can.

What defines being healthy to you?

I don't think you have to workout 5 hours a day to be healthy. Healthy is different for everyone. I think using food as fuel rather than eating mindlessly is super important.

How has gymnastics helped your self-esteem? Are you confident with your body because of gymnastics?

Gymnastics has really helped my self-esteem because I was a little bit bigger when I was younger. I was ten so it didn't bother me that much but I can see it potentially being an issue down the line if I didn't do gymnastics. Even today in gymnastics it can be a hard because you see yourself in a leo every day. A lot of times I want to look like a teeny tiny little gymnast. That is something I struggled with a lot. I find that I have learned to love my body because having my body the way it is makes me a better gymnast. When I started I was self-conscious about the way my arms looked bulky. I would have guys ask me if I lifted weights. I was super self-conscious and would wear jackets. I now realize that my muscles allow me to do this incredible sport. I also worked super hard for them so I shouldn't try to hide them. I think I am pretty confident in my body because I worked so hard for it.

What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?

Gymnastics is filled with a lot of obstacles, but I had an elbow injury in the middle of one of my seasons. My elbow had been hurting for a while but I was ignoring it. One day it popped and when I want to the doctors I had stress fractures, and the growth plate had spread apart. Coming back from that was an obstacle but I never looked at it that way. I was able to still train without my arms. It was difficult to watch my teammates compete but I had to be a cheerleader for them. I just had to work really hard to get back to where I was.

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