Brenda Gonzales-Means | Angel In My Corner
What and who got you involved in the sport?
I always loved watching fights. I remember watching Cyborg and Gina Carano and thought that was pretty cool. I was always an athlete growing up. I grew up playing basketball, baseball, volleyball and softball, I always wanted to be a professional athlete. The year after I graduated I had to take care of my father who had Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). I graduated and took care of him. I never went to college, and started working behind the desk. I hated it and wanted to be the gym. I always had an interest in boxing and the UFC. That's when I ran into my husband Tim "The Dirty Bird" Means at Fit NHB where we still are. I came and did a boxing class with him and just fell in love with it. I have been doing this for nine years now and just love it!
Who is your biggest inspiration in and outside of the sport?
My biggest role model outside of the sport has to be my mom. We lost my dad about 15 years ago. She also battled cancer 10 years ago now. I always wanted to be strong for her, but I think she showed me some true strength. My striking coach has been a huge inspiration to me. Arlene Sanchez has built me from the beginning. She has a really cool style.
What has been the highlight of your journey so far?
I have gotten to see different parts of the world. I got to fight in Canada and Japan as well as throughout the United States. I've gotten to travel with my husband to Brazil and Australia. My teammate Nicco Montano, she is the new female flyweight champion. That was awesome being there to watch.
Who is your favorite fighter to watch?
I have a few. I love watching my husband fight especially when he lets everything go. He throws those elbows and those knees.
What is the number one philosophy you live by?
We all go through troubles in life. Every day is a new day. A lot of us go through depression and a lot of downs. There are still a lot of ups in life. There's blessings all around us. Set goals for yourself, and go achieve them.
What do you think it will take to earn a UFC contract? Is this something you are trying to achieve?
That has been my goal since day one. For so many fighters, that is the dream. I obviously have my husband in there too and my teammate Nicco. They take care of their employees. That is the highest level. I think I need to bring it and let my hands go, and hopefully get that contract next.
What advice would you give to females starting in martial arts?
Be passionate about it. It tales a lot of dedication and hard work. It is a lonely sport sometimes. You have to sacrifice a lot of time, but I recommend women learn how to defend themselves. I wish I had started sooner because I started at 27.
They say half of the battle is stepping on the scale, what sort of ongoing diet do you have in order to make the weight cut easier?
Sometimes that is harder than the fight. Just eat clean and run. I have tried to switch up my diet but it doesn't work well for me in the gym so I need them carbs to get through.
Who is the GOAT?
I'm going to go with Mighty Mouse and DC. DC has pulled off some impressive wins. He is the smaller man and pulls off huge wins. Mighty Mouse, the dude is a beast. He is so quick and has so much power.
What was an obstacle you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?
Losing my dad was a hard one for me. I got married right before he passed. I wanted him to be there to walk me down the aisle. He was a strong man, short and stocky. I think that's where I get my build. To see him suffer for three years straight. He started deteriorating and falling. We had to feed him toward the end. It was hard watching that. I ended up getting a divorce not too long after my dad died. I moved because I felt I needed to run away for awhile. I ended up coming home five years later, and I feel more at peace and at home. I know he's with me in every fight so I have an angel with me in every fight.
How much do you incorporate strength training into your daily routine?
Everyone likes touching my arms, my husband gets jealous. He says he can at least reach things on the top of the shelf. He calls them T-Rex arms but they're strong. I do strength training 2-3 times a week at Functional Fury with Dwayne Davis. He does some beastly stuff so I might have to town it down these next couple of weeks so I can make weight. I try not to lift too much because I put on size pretty quick. I try to do too much lifting, but am doing a little more kettlebells and obstacle courses.