Natalie Kotecki | Strong is Beautiful
What has been your biggest achievement to date, and what is your ultimate goal in gymnastics?
My biggest achievement right now is that I did really well in my regionals meet this year. I got a 37.425 all around. My ultimate goal is to get a scholarship to a D1 school.
Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in the gym?
My biggest role model inside the gym is my coach Kerry. She is my main coach. She is just very inspiring and she encourages everyone to do their best, and be the best person they can inside and outside of the gym. My biggest role models outside of the gym are my parents because they are really supportive of what I do.
Gymnastics is known to only last for so long and most gymnasts retire by their early 20's. What do you plan on doing afterward?
I plan on getting into the digital art industry, because I really enjoy it.
Gymnastics is known to have long term effects on growth/ your body, what is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about this?
Parents should know it is very hard on your body and if you don't train, stretch and eat right you can get injured very easily. You need to make sure you stay healthy, eat healthy and stretch.
What sorts of training outside of gymnastics do you do, and why do you do it?
Mainly I just ice and have a floor bar at home I use. I have some equipment that I use at home like a floor beam. I mainly just ice and rest. The reason I do it is to better myself when I go back to the gym because I am refreshed.
How has gymnastics changed your life?
It has extremely impacted my life. I practice 22 hours a week. It basically made me a better person overall. It gave me confidence, and taught me to believe in myself.
What is your favorite cheat meal, and what does your diet consist of?
My favorite cheat meals is strawberries with nutella. My diet is chicken, steak, and fruit.
What do you do to prepare for a competition? How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Typically I try not to stress myself out. I listen to music sometimes, and try to keep it laid back. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, I eat healthy, I stretch, and obviously exercising.
For people starting out in the sport, what are some tips you would give?
I would say don't cheat on conditioning, make sure you stretch and drink lots of water. It will be better for you in the long run.
What defines health and healthy to you?
Just staying fit, being as active as you can, drinking lots of water and limiting your cheat foods.
How has gymnastics helped your self-esteem? Are you confident with your body because of gymnastics?
Being with a team is great because if you feel nervous or sad, they can cheer you up and boost your confidence. I feel like gymnastics has helped me keep a fit body, and I think it's very important to be fit. I am very happy and confident with my body.
Gymnasts are often viewed as 'scary or manly' because of the intensity of the sport, and how it trains all body parts. How have you coped with this? Do you embrace it or is it still an insecurity?
I embrace it because people look at being strong better than they used to. More recently, it's become a trend and they think that being strong is being beautiful.
What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?
An obstacle I faced is mental blocks on beam. I struggle with beam a lot. I have a lot of mental issues with beam, so you have to find the best way to cope with it for you. My biggest mental block was a back handspring on beam. I have gotten to a point where I can do it now without thinking about it to much. I have to keep working on it and doing it repeatedly.