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Alina Lewandowski | Everyone's Outlook is Different

What got you involved in the sport, and who were the people who helped you get into the sport?

Growing up from age 6 to 12, I was a gymnast but my body couldn't take it. I was always hurt so after a nine month shoulder injury that wouldn't heal, I had to quit. Then I found crossfit. My mom worked with a lady who introduced her to it, and I went to the gym one Saturday and really liked it so kept doing it. After a while my hips started hurting so I had to have surgery. When I recovered, I started doing crossfit again.

What has been your biggest achievement to date, and what is your ultimate goal in crossfit?

My biggest achievement to date was the crossfit games, and that kind of ties into my ultimate goal. It was always my goal to go to the games. I was really lucky to do that at such a young age. I was training so much for the Crossfit Games that I kind of got burned out so I took a little break. During that break I did diving and lacrosse at my high school. Now I'm slowly getting back into crossfit while also taking spin classes. I really enjoy that so I would like to do that in crossfit.

Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in?

My biggest role model outside of the gym is my mom. She is such a hard worker and I aspire to work as hard as she does. She always goes after what she wants. My biggest role model in the gym when I was training for the Games was Lauren Fisher. I really liked her, she was working hard, and was young.

What is your favorite lift and why?

I have hurt lifts so I can't do anything overhead anymore. My favorite lift was overhead squat and snatch, but now that I can't do it probably back squat.

Crossfit is known to have long term effects on growth/ your body, what is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about this?

I think you need to listen to your body. Everyone's body handles sports differently. You need to base your approach to the sport and how hard you push yourself on your body. Not everyone's body is meant to go to the Crossfit Games or go to the Olympics. Everyone there has aches and pains. I think you need to listen to your body because after the games I was so burnt out and needed two wrist surgeries. Now that I am back, I don't do anything that hurts me even though it hinders my ability to do a workout. I would rather not be in pain. That is my outlook on it but everyone's outlook is different.

For people starting out in the sport, what are some tips you would give?

For people starting out I would say just get into it. Don't be scared to try something new. Crossfit is very community based, they are accepting. They are going to help you, they are going to push you, and you shouldn't be afraid to try it.

What was an obstacle you faced and how did you overcome it?

My two hip surgeries in the eighth grade was hard to go through. I was born with extra bone on femur head. In gymnastics it tore through the labrum at the hip joint. I had Femoroacetabular Impingement and labral tears and they had to sew the labrum back together and shave down the bone. During the eighth grade I was homeschooled and obviously I couldn't do crossfit. That was probably one of the hardest things I've had to overcome.

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