Emma Spath | Consistency is Key
What got you involved in the sport, and who were the people who helped you get into the sport?
I first started Crossfit when I was 11 years old. I joined a teens class at Crossfit West, and immediately fell in love. I was coached by Chris Morse and Daniel Jahangard for years before moving into the adult's class. My family and the gym inspired me to start Crossfit, but once I started, I had my eyes set on the games.
What has been your biggest achievement to date, and what is your ultimate goal in crossfit?
My biggest achievement thus far has been competing in the online qualifiers in the CrossFit open. I placed 1st in Northern California and 33rd worldwide in 2017. I also competed in the Wodapalooza online challenge. My ultimate goal is to podium at the CrossFit Games.
Who has been your biggest role model outside the gym, and who is your biggest in?
My biggest role models outside the gym are my parents, because they work really hard for their family and work to provide opportunities for me. They had been doing Crossfit for years before me, they are the ones who pushed me to start, and they push me in the gym every day! Inside the gym however, my biggest role model would have to be Brooke Ence. I watch Brooke put in 100% every training session and it is so inspiring! She has such a drive and fire inside her and it is exciting to feel the same feeling building inside me! I have a hunger for the podium like her, especially after watching her perform in the 2015 CrossFit Games, and I hope that I can be just like her.
What is your favorite lift and why?
My favorite lift would have to be the snatch because I love the power and explosiveness. I love the feeling when you catch the snatch at the bottom perfectly. The snatch is one of the most technical movements, and even when one thing goes wrong you can miss a lift. I like to think of my training like a snatch. If sleep, nutrition or recovery are compromised, you miss the lift. Meaning your training will be off or you won't hit as heavy weights. Everything will feel like 100% even if it is just 70%. When nutrition recovery and sleep are all perfect, however, it will all pay off and training will feel amazing.
How do you find time to balance work, the gym, meal prep, etc?
Finding time to balance my school and training can be hard. My schedule is usually Mondays and Fridays are rest days, weekends are endurance, and the rest is aerobic and strength. I usually get up early and do a run or row on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I have to make breakfast and lunch and go to school. After school I generally do a lot of lifting and interval training. Then I do a cool down and finish my homework. By the end of the day I am tired and ready to do to sleep! Time management and planning are huge elements in balancing training with school. When I'm at school, I figure out how long my homework will take me that night so that I know how long I can take at the gym. I try to do most of my homework at school. I usually spend an hour or so doing homework after school and head to the gym. I find time to do meal prep on Sundays and Mondays, whether it is making egg muffins or chicken stir fry, I make enough so that I have plenty for the next few days. I usually eat the same things every day, so it is fast and easy to plan out my macros for the next day.
Crossfit is known to have long term effects on growth/ your body, what is something you’d tell parents of kids interested in the sport about this?
As far as keeping your body healthy, I highly recommend doing a cool down after every workout. I usually do 10 minutes on the Assault Bike and a ROMWOD. This just helps eliminate extra lactic acids and other stuff your body used during the workout so that it doesn't build up. I also go to the chiropractor, cryotherapy and get an occasional deep tissue massage to keep my body as healthy as possible.
What do you do to prepare for a competition?
In preparation for competitions, I don't really do much different. With online qualifiers, I usually practice for the workout two days before, then take a rest day, and then I actually perform the workout. Usually I try to keep my eating and sleeping habits perfect all the time, but I make sure that everything stays dialed in especially before a competition. I also have my step mom braid my hair and I make sure my outfit is one that doesn't itch or distract me during my workout.
What does your diet consist of and what is your favorite cheat meal?
Like I said, I usually just eat the same things every day. My breakfast is 2 eggs, 2 egg whites, cheese and bacon. I transition between Kodiak Power Cakes and Hash-browns. For a snack I have Greek yogurt with honey and nuts, or tuna salad with crackers. Lunch is always chicken, rice and veggies. My pre-workout snack is either a bar or a big salad with kale, grapes and pine nuts or almonds. I don't have a general dinner, just whatever my family makes. Usually it's pretty healthy though, my mom has been paleo for years now so no worries about quality of food. As for cheat meal, I do not like to associate food with cheating. I usually eat a flexible diet and enjoy the occasional slice of pizza or halo top. Flexible dieting allows you to eat things that make you happy, while hitting your macros and feeling good about it. I don't like to think of eating food like pizza or halo top as giving in or cheating. I want to feel happy when I eat those foods, not guilty.
For people starting out in the sport, what are some tips you would give?
If you are just starting Crossfit, I would tell you to get involved with the community. What drew me into Crossfit was the community, so go meet people! Don't be afraid to modify! It is okay to not be at the same level as everyone around you, it takes time, stick with it and move on when you are ready. If something hurts, don't wait too long to tell someone! If it hurts, modify! I don't mean hurts like your legs feel like they are on fire, or you feel like you might barf, that's pretty standard. If squats hurt your knee, tell your coach, there is definitely something you can do to prevent permanently injuring yourself.
What is your favorite muscle to work out and why? Where do your think your weaknesses lie?
I don't really have a favorite muscle group to workout, I just focus on enjoying the process and the pain. My weaknesses are definitely strict movements like pull ups or press. My body has never been very good at them.
What defines health and healthy to you?
Health for me is a combination of physical health and mental health. If you are super stressed out about hitting macros every day, or not hitting numbers, I don't consider that healthy behavior. I think health is different for every person. If getting in the gym twice a day and sweating profusely makes you feel healthy and happy, go for it! If hitting your macros makes you feel happy and healthy, continue doing it! But if you are restricting all the food you like and stressing out about it and putting so much stress on your body that you are not enjoying it, I don't think that is healthy.